内外贯通 Windows 7下架设VPN双向通道 - 国际在线:2021-7-7 · v 传Windows 8进程加速 或于明年4月12日发布 2021-06-28 10:00:42 v NOKIA首款Windows Phone 7智能手机曝光(图) 2021-06-27 10:12:39 v 软硬兼施 轻松搞定Windows 7兼容性难题 2021-06-27 08:34:09 v 有备无患 在Windows 7下设置最后防线 2021-06-21 10

UVM offers a public ivy experience to 10,700 undergraduate students. Students study one of 100+ undergraduate majors, with gifted faculty who inspire and prepare students for every kind of success after graduation.
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The Graduate College at the University of Vermont enrolls about 1,627 graduate students in 54 master's programs and 26 doctoral programs.
- Graduate College admissions
- Programs, degrees, contacts and application deadlines
- International students
- Research at UVM

UVM's College of Medicine graduates are prized by residency programs for their superb clinical skills and by communities for their commitment to public service.
- College of Med admissions
- Vermont Medicine magazine

Financial Aid
The university follows a need-based philosophy in awarding financial aid; a variety of other financing options are available for those who do not qualify for need-based aid.
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- Tuition and fees
- Net Price Calculator
- Scholarship information
- Paying for college
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